Contact Us

Export Sales Manager
Patrik Johansson
+46 470-70 77 12
+46 70-582 24 96

Export Sales/Technical support   
Erik Birgersson
+46 470-70 77 64
+46 73-262 08 89

Commercial Manager
Ann-Charlotte Waljå
070-835 63 00

Andreas Löfstrand
+46 470-70 77 05
+46 70-142 49 60


An external individual who, on reasonable grounds, believes that inappropriate business behavior or a violation of the law is occurring or has occurred should initially raise the issue in writing with their contact person at Volution.
However, an external individual also has the option to report concerns anonymously through the Volution Speak Up channel - referencing "Volution". The Volution Speak Up channel can be found in the Volution Group Code of Conduct & Whistleblowing policy


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